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Writer's pictureKari Ness


Recess was a loud, crazy time that sometimes gave me a headache. I tried to keep up on the monkey bars, the slides, and swings but sometimes I just wanted a nap. Competition was fierce and due to my vision challenges, I was never very successful at dodge ball, tag games or things that required a lot of eye hand coordination. I remember the day tether ball poles were put up on the playground and we were introduced to the game. The ball being tied to, or in this case, tethered to a rope, gave me some advantage because this way I didn’t lose sight the ball.

In the game of tether ball, most of the time, I could see the ball winding around toward me, and I kept my hands up. Even if I lost sight of the ball my hands were at least able to connect with the rope that was securely attached to the ball. I didn’t win very often but I could play this game!

This has me thinking.

I have been in a season of doubt. Maybe it is skepticism or a bit of frustration concerning what I see or don’t see happening around me.

I think I am trying to judge things by sight and walk by sight not by faith. I have been trying to figure things out with my own understanding and things just don’t make sense to me! I have been questioning things more than usual and something has seeped in.

Even though I know walking by faith is not found in clean, precise pieces that all neatly fit together according my way of thinking - I’m still trying to operate this way.…

Even though I know walking by faith is not about seeing each move ahead of time and then taking a step - I still want to know the details…

Even though I know walking by faith is not having all the answers - I still strive to have them explained…

This I also know, walking by faith is being tied to Jesus - nothing else.

It is, as one pastor said it, “Being tethered to the cross of Christ.” I love this picture and the idea of being tethered to Jesus.

Walking by faith is an act of trust when I doubt. Being tethered to the cross means forgiveness and freedom from fear.

Walking by faith means believing in the truth, the words of God, rather than the opinions or the voices of others that say otherwise.

Walking by faith means accepting the mystery and submitting to what I cannot understand.

Being tethered to the immovable cross of Jesus means security - he won’t let go no matter the circumstances.

These truths I know! I know them in my head and in my heart but they get mixed with my emotions and I slip into walking by sight.

Help me Lord.

Proverbs 3:5,6 (NLT)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;

do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do,

and he will show you which path to take.

Lord, thank you that you are keeping me secure even in times of doubt. Help me to trust your timing, your will, and your way. I want trust to be my first response. I want your word to be enough. Forgive my unbelief as I lift my hands up to believe again today. In Jesus name, amen.


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