“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,”
Ephesians 1:17-20 NIV

I have worn corrective lenses, (glasses), since I was 6 years old. My first pair were light blue, horned rimmed, and ornate with bling!
I hated wearing glasses.
I suppose, I was more concerned about looking good and fitting in, than I was about ‘seeing well’.
By the time I was 12, I had resorted to memorizing the letters on the eye chart. But I couldn’t fool anyone. I couldn’t see well and everyone knew it. I was tripping over things, bumping into door frames and I could never find my shoes! My parents thought and hoped I was just a clumsy kid- but it was more than that. The diagnosis was Retinitis Pigmintosa (RP). A deteriorating eye disease causing, in my case, loss of peripheral vision and night blindness.
Doctor appointment after doctor appointment, I heard the words, “Ok Kari, let’s take a look in there and see what’s going on. Let’s see if I can adjust your lenses to help you see better.”
As a child, I didn’t know I had a problem.
As a child, I had no choice but to be examined by the doctor. My vision was consistently being checked and appointments were being made on my behalf.
And as a child I didn’t know I wasn’t seeing well.
I remember very early on, my mom told me that I had to trust the eye doctor to examine my vision if I was going to see better.
As an adult?
I have a confession to make.
As an adult, even now, I don’t always choose to go to the eye doctor as regularly as I should.
As an adult I still wouldn’t choose to wear corrective lenses. I guess I still don’t want to know how far off my vision is from being a perfect 20/20.
I still don’t like the process!
But as an adult follower of Christ?
I want to be intentional about making appointments, adjustments and corrections.
I want to trust the Lord to give me His prescription- His perspective.
I want spiritual eyes so I can see Him as He is.
I want to trust the Lord to adjust how I see others.
I want to trust Him when He says, “Ok Kari, let’s take a look in there and see what’s going on. Let’s see if I can adjust your lenses so you can see better.”
Yes, I want to be willing in this process!
And I want to trust the Lord to give me corrective lenses.
Lord, thank you for opening my spiritual eyes so I can see you, know you and love you. Use your word to give me clarity when I need adjustments and correction. In Jesus’ Name, Amen